Monday, August 13, 2007

Ristorante Wendys!

Date: 11 August 2007 21:00 (Saturday)

You know you are in for a real treat when your wife says "I'm going to do it for you tonight..." And she certainly whipped it up good! All that anticipation throughout the whole day, the foreplay of smells and sensations, the explosion of orgasmic feeling when it happens.... yes dinner was eventually served and Wen is the best cook, i tell ya....

The Dish of Desire - Baked Penne with Sausage and Carrots....

But first, let me dwell on the anticipation....

The thing about making baked pastas is that there is a lot of waiting time. Preparation time is pretty ok, in fact rather short but the waiting time is long and we were already hungry. So a nice snack of Ferro Breadstick dipped in Copperpot's Zesty Eggplant Dip. This dip is really quite awesome and if we had a microwave oven at home, we might have heated this up as i think it will really taste better warm than cold. The dip is a little spicy and it tastes like ... eggplant.

But that's not gonna make us happy yeah? So... a plate of nice Peppered Brie!

This is awesome cheese man! Brie Cheese is one of my favourite cheese... so creamy on the inside... Ooooo...

And what good is cheese without a drink! Ok, some of us were taught in kindergarten that we should always have cheese with a fine bottle of red wine. Someone from the Ministry of Education ought to have been fired! Some cheese go well with Whites and some with Champagne and this Brie goes really well with a bottle of....

Laurent-Perrier Rose Champagne! Mmmmm...

Errr, ok.... some justification required here. Yes, Champagne ought to be limited to special ocassions... unless you are a friggin millionaire in which case then it should be limited to breakfasts only. But in our last trip to the city of Champagne (French pronounce it as Sharm Pun), we learnt that when a bottle of un-vintaged Champagne is bottled, the taste will only last for 3 years after which the bubbles disappear and so do the taste. Absolute crap since we've been stocking up on Champagne over the years and they are all nearing expiry! So yeah, this was a bottle of champagne which was bought almost 3 years ago hence the need to consume it immediately. We were just exercising intelligent prudence :)

Next up, the foreplay....

Ingredients that go into Wen's Baked Penne...

Yeah, we eat everything with Chilli Padi!

For the uninitiated, the above consists of Onions, Chilli Padi, Carrots and Italian Spicy Chicken Sausage...

Now, i have tried seeking permission on putting the recipe online but the chef has politely declined this opportunity. It's such a pity because this is an absolute fabulous dish. But i'm not the bastard that everyone makes me out to be so i will go against the chef's wishes and give you one very crucial chef secret that will make or break this Baked Pasta dish. And the secret is.... you will need an oven for this.... :)

And so the chef mixes all the above along with an unspecified weight of Penne soaked in an unspecified brand of Tomato and Herb Sauce. Look at the pre-baked pictures... it looks yummy even before it's cooked!

A rare photo of the chef in her apron....

And so after an unspecified number of minutes in the oven at an unspecified temperature. The chef sprinkles some Perfect Italiano Mozzarella cheese, puts it back in the oven and within a couple of minutes later... Voila!

Again, if you think the picture of the final product looks good, this dish is a million times better than how it looks. The cheese is baked to perfection, crispy on the outside and still creamy inside. The Penne is Al Dente, Sausages and carrots perfect texture, the onions adding to the sweet tingle and the chilli padi adding zest to the whole dish.

And of course it was perfectly accompanied by the Rose Champagne.

I must be the happiest man alive :)

Ristorante Wendys!
What?!? Did you think i would be crazy to put our home address here?
Tel: Are you crazy?!?

1 comment:

ppdiary said...

yummy! can we try it some time ? ~ Mrs Lim.